Asatoma , Mantra, Divine Love, Kevin James Music
The Divine Goddess inspired me to create this video as she has always been my muse, and I am forever grateful for our sacred union. May we walk and honor the presence of the divine and live in the beauty of the eternal sacred garden of selflove. Love you for eternity. , DivineLove, Goddess, Asatoma, ,Mantra, SacredUnion, TwinFlame Thank You Kevin James for this beautiful song inspired by the Asatoma Mantra. Om Asato Ma Sad Gamaya Tamasoma Jyotir Gamaya Mrityor Ma Amritam Gamaya Lord lead me from the unreal to the real Lead me from darkness to the light From the earth to the open skies Lead me from death to eternal life Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Music Asatoma by Kevin James Kirtan, Chanting Heartsongs