LAREINE (ラレーヌ) LEGEND OF FANTASY Full live 2005
The DVD Legend of Fantasy released in 2006 compiles some of the concerts that took place in 2005: that of March 26 at HOLIDAY SHIBAURA, that of June 30 at Shibuya OWEST and that of October 16 Shibuya OEAST. Setlist: 00:00:00 Intro 00:02:12 To sea of trees 00:03:15 Born from a Carved Mark 00:04:54 Darkness 00:09:51 Imperial Concerto 00:14:03 SOLITUDE 00:19:54 白いブーケ (Shiroi bouquet) 00:24:25 Kazumi Drum Solo Battle of Self 00:28:05 Emiru, えみる Solo An invitation of an ocarina (epic fake playing) 00:29:54 gerbe 00:35:10 XXXXXXX XXXXX, Bonjour Honey 00:38:25 風の誘惑 (Kaze no yuuwaku) 00:44:13 Gipsy 00:48:15 冬東京 (Fuyu Tokyo) 00:54:03 Métamorphose 00:59:47 Fleur 01:08:39 Eternal Love 01:10:17 fiançailles 01:15:15 End Roll 01:21:34 Ending, Last Song for You