Trying out several surfaces and textures barefoot, whats your favorite
, barefoot, dirtyfeet, surfaces, dirtysoles, tank, public, confidence, soles, toes, босиком, barfuß, barfuss, pes, barefootpublic, dospes, drivingbarefoot, feetlover, candidfeet, candidsoles, grounding, earthing Almost 20 surfaces and textures All different feelings and sensations What s your favorite surface Please share. Please consider walking barefoot for the amazing benefits such as a foot massage while enjoying nature. Feel every step guys Reasons to walk in nature bare foot 1. Feel every step and connect deeply 2. Relieve pain in your feet, back, hips and eventually all over your body 3. Improve your posture and vision 4. Feel the different ground temperatures and increase your enjoyment 5. Improve your mood Share the video, subscribe or your shoe may dull your senses Subcribeoryourshoemaydulllsenses