how to study when you are struggling with mental health
How to study when mental health is bad, , Use IDENATI for FREE here: I use IDENATI to write todo lists (they send you notifications when your due dates are near ) and to organise my laptop: Many students struggle with mental health. Anxiety during exam season when stress levels are at an all time high is also quite common and many of you have told me that you experience that or worse. I struggle with stress and anxiety, and this is the first time I am discussing about it in a video. I hope this video sheds a light on the importance of mental health and helps some of you feel less alone. So in this video, we talk about how to stop selfsabotage which halts your progress, how to make a manageable todo list that is not overwhelming, how to reduce anxiety, how to stop feeling so overwhelmed with big tasks, how to rest properly and how to reset your life. There is a special message for you guys at