The Hitchhikers Guide to Tensorflow Introduction to Machine Learning and Tensorflow
Tensorflow is one of the most popular Open Source projects on Github and definitely, the one most popular Machine Learning library out there. On the other hand, DeepLearning is one of the hottest topics discussed around. Why so much attention What are these technology, frameworks and how one can make use if them In the talk, we start with base concepts of machine learning, explaining tensors and advantages of Tensorflow, shifting more into the direction of practical examples of how one can apply mentioned technologies without going too deep into mathematics. We cover highlevel API like Keras. How to utilize knowledge and computing resources of such huge companies like Google and Facebook with a technique called Transfer Learning. And finally bringing a few examples how such systems mi. .., tensorflow, introductiontotensorflow, deeplearning, karas, howtousetensorflow, transferlearning, kubernetes, deeplearningwithtensorflow, tensorflowtutorial 20180727 5JYKmMt3yf8