A Twenty One Pilots Interview never had to end like this before, DASDING Interview
, ScratchedInterview, Scratched (German Version below) We visited Twenty One Pilots with our ScratchedBox while they are on their BanditoTour around the world. That means: Josh and Tyler scratched off the most frequent words in their album Trench For each word we had a question prepared: When was a moment wer they wanted to cover themselves up in a Jumpsuit What was the last important Call that they recieved Do they Know what to do when the other band member is in a bad mood And do they need more silence in their lives DISCLAIMER: we obviously did not want to end the interview with Josh and Tyler and took it as a huge compliment, that the guys did not want to end this interview. Unfortunately we had an extremly tight schedule and had to run to our next interview guest with our box. So stay tuned if you want to know who will scratch the box next time. Valeria (the host) on Instagram: In Scratched the lyrics becomes the interview and our stars deci