LVL2 Watercolor Tutorial : How to paint flowers
Level 2 How To : Watercolour Painting Tutorial for Beginners, Demonstration, 수채화 그림 그리기 Jay LEE is a specialized watercolor artist. JayArt videos are showing how to paint flowers, nature and other techniques on the various tutorials offered. New series of watercolor paintings are available for upload every week. Please subscribe for more videos. Classification of paints Beginner (Level 1, Level 2) Intermediate (Level 3, Level 4) Advanced (Level 5, Level 6) Supply List Paper : Saunders Waterford (300g, m2), Arches Aquarelle (185g, m2) Paints : Shinhan, Holbein watercolors Brushes : Kuretake Waterbrush, Chinese bamboo brushes and watercolor brushes from one dollar store (Cheap one) Palette : SHINHAN Watercolor Aluminum Palette A30 Etc. : FaberCastell Watercolor Pencils, Uniball Micro Deluxe Waterproof Pen, Tachikawa dip pens and AP drawing ink Music Heartbreaking by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Source: Artist: Angels We Have Heard by Kevin