Soldiers detain five year old child in Hebron, 2013
On 9 July 2013, soldiers in Hebron detained Wadi Maswadeh, a fiveyearold Palestinian boy, after he threw a stone. The soldiers forced the crying, frightened child into a military jeep and drove him home. There, they waited for his father to arrive, threatened the family, and led both father and son to a checkpoint, where they blindfolded and handcuffed the father. The two were detained at the checkpoint for about an half an hour, after which they were handed over to the Palestinian police. In total, the boy was detained for some two hours. There is no legal basis whatsoever for detaining a child under the age of criminal responsibility. The incident was filmed by B Tselem field researchers and a B Tselem camera volunteer. The clip shown here is a compiled synopsis of the footage. חיילים עיכבו ילד בן חמש בחברון, 2013