It Has Been A While ( QA) what , where , how , why , do , Learn English Mark Kulek ESL
Learn English: Q A Long Time No See It has been a while (present perfect tense) question words + friends (we KeyWords: long time no see, how have you been , what have you been doing , what , where , how , Why , Do + more. Each sentence is illustrated for better understanding. You will be able to listen to Mark Kulek and also practice on your own for English speaking practice. This is an interactive listening and speaking video. Have fun learning these important everyday Greeting Questions and Answers and speak English now. TimeStamps 0:00 Intro 0:31 Long Time No See 5:50 Friends (we are. .. ) English in use: Long time no see. I know. It has been ages. How have you been I ve been good. What have you been doing I ve been working hard. How long have you been working there I ve been there for a few years. Would you like to get coffee sometime That would be fun. Long time no see. I haven t seen you for a while. How have you been I ve been busy. What have you been doing I ve been traveling. Wh