Trustin Lee Armeria: A microservice framework well suited everywhere
Armeria is an opensource Java HTTP, 2 microservice framework written by the team which is led by the founder of Netty project. This session introduces its unique features that will make your microservice life easier than ever. Are you looking to integrate your gRPC or Thrift services with your favorite components such as HAProxy, Prometheus, Zipkin and Spring WebFlux Do you want a web console like Swagger and Postman for gRPC and Thrift Are you fed up with the complexity of sidecars and proxies Do you have a legacy service you want to migrate to modern async RPC Do you need to serve gRPC, Thrift, REST, static files and even Servlets together If any of these questions intrigue you, this talk is definitely worth your time. Come and learn the philosophy behind Armeria and how it fixes your microservice headaches from concise examples.