Bella Taylor Smith Nice to Know Ya ( Official Video)
Stream or download Nice to Know Ya by Bella Taylor Smith here: Follow Bella Taylor Smith: Director Adam Callen Produced by Made In Katana Production Company Made In Katana Production Manager Antra Callen Stylist Liana Lewis HMU Lucy Jackson DP EnnaJay Curcuruto 1st AC Hayley Beveridge Gaffer Liam Patrick Lyrics: I was nervous, I lost service Ive got one bar and your burdens I was wondering Sitting, pondering If some space would even cure us Wasnt wiser on our first date Took your word when, when you ran late Now Im older, feeling bolder Stood on two feet Nice to know ya It was, it was Nice to know ya It was, it was I was scared that getting closer Meant my heart would, Would grow colder And I cant help all that happened Yeah Im careful to imagine Oh you say it wont be easy br, br,