RED TARA, KURUKULLA OM TARE TUTTARE TURE WASAM KURU SVAHA OM KURUKULLE SVAHA Red Tara, Kurukula means She Who is the Cause of Knowledge. Red Tara may use the tool of suffering to foster our healing and development of courage. Even in Her wrathful aspects, Tara s role is to dispel the fear of death and foster the evolution of compassion. She represents a protective force, which fights off negative and wicked emotions. Red Tara is powerfully able to magnify all good things. Red Tara has the amazing ability of enchantment evocatively convincing you to transform. She is the Goddess of love and sex and is commonly associated with auspiciousness. She represents the function of having people succumb under the powers of enchantment, attraction, and magnetization. Connecting to Red Tara, She teaches Discriminating Awareness on how to turn raw desire into compassion and consciousness so you are in touch with your feelings and are able to express them. With