The Man Behind the 1 Trillion Tech Company
How CEO Jensen Huang grew NVIDIA into a behemoth. Try for FREE for 30 days, and the first 200 people will get 20 off their annual premium subscription. Follow Newsthink on Twitter Newsthink is produced and presented by Cindy Pom Grab your Newsthink merch here: Thank you to our Patrons, including Igli Laci Support us on Patreon: Thumbnail source: Jensen Huang image sourced from NVIDIA Other sources: 0:39 NVIDIA background image edited by Newsthink. Original image: NVIDIA Taiwan, CC BY 2. 0 via Wikimedia Commons 0:43 Dennys image: Coolcaesar, CC BYSA 4. 0 via Wikimedia Commons 1:22 ZMASLO on YouTube, Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) 1:26 Project F20 on YouTube, Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed) Articles and interviews referenced: 0:48 Stanford University presentation in full