Far Afield ( Episode 38 Titanic Scene Music)
Автор: Cyborg Kurochan Archive Описание: Composed by Holly Anderson and available through the WCPM music library, this was an oddity in the anime as a rare case of licensed music being used. The series had original compositions but they for some reason chose to use a track from a music library for this scene. It also didn t appear in the dub audio tracks, only in the Japanese audio track so it s possible it was added at the last minute. The carousel music from episode 22 is the same case so it s possible that was also a licensed track. Feel free to check out my Twitter for more CyKuro content Трек: Far Afield WCPM Исполнитель: Holly Anderson Альбом: NonStop Producer Series Epic 1 Лицензии: Adrev for a 3rd Party (от лица компании NonStop Producer Series ); Adrev Publishing и другие авторские общества (3) 27 нояб. 2022г.