Nagra Factory Tour
This recent video is supposed to be exclusive to The Absolute Sound magazine s YouTube channel It s editor Michael Fremer s first contribution to TAS in almost 30 years. Through the magazine s generosity and in the spirit of sharing that epitomizes the new relationship between TAS and we present here the Nagra factory tour. Nagra the audio company now owned by Audio Technology Switzerland S. A. is a relatively small, independently owned spinoff of the parent company Kudelski Group, While the latter is a large company (founded and named for the man who invented the famous tape recorder) employing almost 4000 workers and specializing in digital security hardware and software as well as interactive content delivery, event ticketing and other esoterica, audiophiles are more interested in what goes on inside a midsized factory in a RomanelsurLausanne industrial complex. In that building Nagra desi