Night Hex Distorted Visions
Subscribe: Buy: Buy: Night Hex Viziuni Nocturne, released on 18. Nov 2015 by Suntrip Records SUNCDEP01 EMantra is back under his Alter Ego Night Hex But this is different slower, deeper, more progressive, more atmospheric and a little darker. Ever since his latest release, Echoes from the Void, Emmanuel Carpus had questions about the best track on this cd under his name Night Hex. This inspired him to make a minialbum with this kind of music A minialbum Yes As Suntrip is about old school, lets go back to the golden 90s, when flat jewel case cdsingles were still a part of the scene The music on this cd is different from earlier EMantra work He likes to call it next level darker progressive with melodies and hypnotic dreamy sounds. And that sums it all up The ope