Léa Brooking Résolution, Sofar Brussels
Sofar Sounds connects Léa Brooking and musiclovers around the world through intimate shows in unique venues. Find a show near you: 6, 24, 2023 Léa Brookings URLs: Filmed by: Lotfi Bendimered Edited by: Lotfi Bendimered POP Productions Audio by: Sound recording: Cédric Vanstraelen Mixing: Cédric Vanstraelen Audio+Visual Solutions Additional Credits: Host: La Serre La Serre is a temporary occupation born in 2017. The building hosts a dozen of projects and activities: social food distribution, cooking workshop, board games nights, bike repair workshop, ceramic, repair cafés, concerts, documentary screenings, ... It s a shared place, collectively managed by the members of its community and the nonprofit organisation Communa asbl. Find out more about Sofar here: