w Xw Gorefest II 04, 04, 2009
1. Single Light Tube Death match Karsten Beck vs. Zack Sabre Jr. 2. Gorefest 2009 Quarter Final Barbed Wire Hell match Drake Younger vs. Sami Callahan 3. Gorefest 2009 Quarter Final Tour d Europe Death match Adam Polak vs. Thumbtack Jack 4. Gorefest 2009 Quarter Final Ultraviolent TLC and Thumbtacks Death match Andrew Patterson vs. HATE 5. Gorefest 2009 Quarter Final Thumbtack Kickpads and Lighttube Bundles match Danny Havoc vs. Devin Moore 6. Gorefest 2009 Semi Final Four Way Log Cabin Elimination match Danny Havoc vs. Drake Younger vs. HATE vs. Thumbtack Jack 7. Farmer Joe and Lazio Fe vs. Markus Seeman and Sternau 8. CZW World Heavyweight Championship Drake Younger (c) vs. Devin Moore 9. Gorefest 2009 No Ropes, Electrified Lighttubes, Carribean Spiderweb Death match Danny Havoc vs. Thumbtack Jack