SATURN Open Core Widegap Medium Group Rust Base Design
Finally a successor to the overused and underdeveloped Cyclone. A base large enough for a group of 69 players, with open core and wide gaps. Watch this update if you want to add roof bunkers to this design: Rusticated Code: SATURN Sanctuary Code without bunkers: XIDKI3 Sanctuary Code with bunkers: 5GJI0W Twitch: Discord: Jamai: Soren: Belgian: Speccy: Build Cost (including doors, windows, externals): Stone: 129k Metal: 156k HQM: 900 Upkeep (Spread Between 3 TCs): Stone: 27k Metal: 33k HQM: 225 Raid Cost (Cheapest I found): Straight to main TC: 21 Rockets Open core