Slavery: The Details They Dont Teach You In School , Candace Owens, POLITICS, Rubin Report
Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Candace Owens about her new book, Blackout: How Black America Can Make Its Second Escape from the Democratic Plantation and her journey from liberal to conservative. Candace also encourages African Americans to give up on the victim mentality and the belief that systemic racism is to blame for all your problems. Instead have a victor mentality and realize how lucky you are to be living in America in 2020. She wishes more people knew the true history of slavery and the slave trade. Africans werent stolen by whites, but they were in fact sold by other Africans. Before that the Arab slave trade enslaved Africans. Knowing black history and this horrible past can make people appreciate how well we have it now, and also explain why there are so many African migrants trying to immigrate to America and very few black Americans are moving to Africa. Watch Dave Rubins full interview with Candace Owens here: