22 Things You Should Do at Least Once in Your Life
When you have aplan, life can beso eventful There are certain things that you definitely must do before you turn 30 they can help you feel that youre truly making the best ofyour time Lucky you we found alist ofsuch things. You dont need superpowers todothem, and they can enrich your life with unforgettable experiences. So, what are you waiting for Lets start crossing them off the list SUMMARY Visit a really exotic place Buy tickets toamusic festival Run ahalf marathon Goswimming inthe nude Learn how tocook your own signature dish Research your family tree Try bungee jumping orparachuting Spend awhole night ataparty inanunknown city Learn how tomake cocktails Grab the microphone atakaraoke bar and sing Try going diving Get lost inaforeign country Climb amountain Spend anight ortwo under the stars Take amaster class insomething new Get inshape Volunteer for something Find someone who will begenuinely dear toyou Go traveling onyour own Gotoamajor sporting event