hr Bigband: DIXIE JASS BAND ONE STEP, Frankfurt Radio Big Band, Axel Schlosser, Jazz, 4 K
Jazz sailed upstream along the Mississippi with Louis Armstrong, grew up in Chicago and came of age in New York City with Fletcher Henderson and Duke Ellington. Do you like it Please subscribe: DIXIE JASS BAND ONE STEP a composition by ODJBLa Rocca An arrangement by Axel Schlosser Soloists: Günter Bollmann, tb; Clive Fenton, sous hrBigband Axel Schlosser, arr + cond saxes, woodwinds: HeinzDieter Sauerborn, Oliver Leicht, Tony Lakatos, Steffen Weber, Rainer Heute trombones: Günter Bollmann, Shannon Barnett, Christian Jaksjö, Robert Hedemann trumpets: Martin Reuthner, Thomas Vogel, Martin Auer, Axel Schlosser rhythm: Chris Hopkins, p; Martin Scales, git; JeanPhilippe Wadle, bs; Jean Paul Höchstädter, dr Performance of the Frankfurt Radio Big Band; 19 june 2021 hrSendesaal, Frankfurt, Germany Do you like to see the full show Here you go: ht