Dublin Castle (1922)
Eire (Southern Ireland, Republic of Ireland). Full title reads: Irish Free State. Dublin Castle symbol and citadel of British Rule for centuries surrenders to Sinn Fein Provisional Government. Intertitle: The official entry was singularly undramatic though a moment that will live forever in Irish minds. M, S of three cars and horse drawn carriage driving through arch, enthusiastic crowd on pavement waves and cheers. M, S of W. T. Cosgrove, Richard Malcahy and K. O Higgens (Cabinet ministers of Dail) coming through doorway. More men follow probably important Republican figures. M, S of two elderly men exiting same door. M, S of small crowd, some standing on cart, shouting up to a large house. One waves large Irish flag. M, S of those on cart cheering. M, S of crowded cart driving past camera, more people follow on foot. Note: exact date of issue unknown: no release date on issue sheet. Date in box is estimate taking into account dates of other Pathe Gazette issues with similar can. number