Bonnie Damon, Leave Out All The Rest
Guess what I m back with a new Bamon video ( I m unpredictable I know ) I had this song stucked in my head for months and was waiting to finish my exams to finally start to work on it. I HATE myself for doing this to Damon Bonnie I m an horrible person :p Anyway, now that season 2 is over what did you guys think about it I personally think it was WAY too much about Damon. Plus, he was stupid. REALLY REALLY stupid ( Except with Bonnie , if we forget the part where he has no sruples to see her dying to save Elena haha ) And Stefan, really I just don t get why the writers let him aside, always doing his solomission Idon tknowwhere WHILE Damon is with Elena. That pisses me off Stefan is amazing And truly said, I was more Team Stefan than Team Damon this season. ... And The Original Brothers. .. You have no idea how much I love them First Elijah ( an advice to the writers : just stop killing br, br,