Abandoned City You Can Buy Into. A Forest Full of History and Relics. Destination Adventure
Hyder Alaska, is one of those towns that I always think is going to blow up into a travel mecca, but seems to just stay under the radar. There is a handful of part time locals, and a smaller handful of full time locals, but the rest of the city basically sits abandoned. Like so many of these small north coast towns, Hyder came to life with the discovery of gold, and in a few short years was a bustling little city. As the years went by, the population of Hyder dropped and climbed, nearly as frequently as the tides of the Pacific beside her, and I fear that she is on her final decline now. The residents that remain today are passionate and proud, and they are working hard to maintain what is left, and I do believe there is potential for this little town yet. Never the less, life here does not come without a fair bit of struggle. Hyder is only accessible by ship, float plane, or vehicle through British Columbia, and funny enough, being the southern most town in Alaska, it only covers a nine mile sec