Ukraine Showers Hell On Russia Occupied Donetsk With Banned AT2 Mines Fired By Rocket Launchers
The Ukrainian military is reportedly firing rockets outfitted with AT2 antitank mines at Russian forces. The scatterable antitank mines contain a magnetic sensor to attach to metal targets. The AT2 mines were outlawed in 1997 under the AntiPersonnel Mine Ban Convention. The claims were made by the Donetsk Peoples Republic (DPR) office at the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of Issues Related to War Crimes of Ukraine (JCCC) on May 19. Watch the video to find out how Ukraine got its hands on the banned mines. ,russiaukrainewar, mines, worldnews 0:00 INTRODUCTION 1:32 WHAT IS AT2 ANTITANK MINE 3:28 IS UKRAINE USING AN OUTLAWED MINE n18ocworld n18occrux CRUX is your daily video news guide to the big events that are shaping our world. We track news, geopolitics, diplomacy and defence strategies and explain how they shape national policies. Crux makes sense of global developments, and analyses their impact on daily lives. Follow CRUX on Telegram: htt br, br,