The Great Myths and History of the Lost OUACHITA( WASHITAW) Civilization of Moundbuilders
AFRICAN S IN PRECOLUMBIAN AMERICA: A great deal of the Mounds located in North America contained ancient Libyan (ancient Libyan s were Darkskin African s) and Nubian scripts, artifacts, alphabets, and inscriptions. Some which can be traced back to the Mandingo Tribe in Africa. In the famous Ohio Seip Mound, a Nubian sculptured head was found, it dated back to 1, 000 B. C., but far older artifacts were found in other Burial Mounds. There s also signs of the Muslim presence in preColumbian America Burial Mounds. Then a careful study of Native American Indian tribal names has revealed that many of the names are derived from Arab and Islamic roots and, or origins, such as the; Anasazi, Apache, Arawak, Algonquin, Arikana, Chavin, Cherokee, Cree, Hohokam, Hupa, Hopi, Iroquois, Makkah, Mahigan, Mohawk, Nazca, Zulu, and Zuni. The Algonquian Language contain words with Arabiyyah roots that pertain to; navigation, astronomy, meteorology, medicine, and anatomy.