The Perfect Revenge by Cersei. Shame Shame Shame Game Of Thrones
SEPTA UNELLA is lying strapped to a table. CERSEI stands over her and pours wine in her face. SEPTA UNELLA sputters and struggles against her bindings. CERSEI: Confess. Confess. CERSEI raises a pitcher of wine over SEPTA UNELLAs head. SEPTA UNELLA: No. CERSEI: Confess. CERSEI pours the pitcher into SEPTA UNELLAs face. SEPTA UNELLA sputters and struggles. When the pitcher is empty, SEPTA UNELLA gasps for air. CERSEI: Confess. It felt good. Beating me, starving me, frightening me, humiliating me. You didnt do it because you cared about my atonement. You did it because it felt good. I understand. I do things because they feel good. I drink because it feels good. I killed my husband because it felt good to be rid of him. I fuck my brother because it feels good to feel him inside me. I lie about fucking my brother because it feels good to keep our son safe from hateful hypocrites. I killed your High Sparrow and all his little sparrows all his septons, all his septas,