The Brides of the Black Room Blood ( Official Music Video)
The Brides of the Black Room is an artistic collective existing for the sole purpose of serving our eternal Mother. Deep in the womb of the earth, between arteries pulsating with electronic life and organs made of metal, blood will be Cursecrafter Lea Alazam undertakes the blood ritual of her coven, channelling the anger of all who have come before. Under the watchful eyes of the Arch Witch, a crimson dawn descends over the Brides. The things that we need, is what s bringing us further down. We ll show you blood. Music video by Per Norman Song written by Ghostheart and R7. Produced by Lynx. F O L L O W L Y R I C S The things that I need Is whats bringing me further down The shit that I seek just makes me weaker by the day Cant you see what you do Do you think that Im yours to use That I want this abuse That I got nothing more left to lose Il