Rare Footage Part 1 of Elvis Presley At Graceland
Elvis riding his signing autographs over the gate for fans. One thing Elvis loved aside performing, lisa being a fine actor, is to ride horses. He bought his ex wife the black horse 1st. Elvis also loved giving gifts, , etc away. To the needy but also to anyone. It made him happy to see that look of surprise thankfulness. He got joy seeing their reactions especially if they badly needed the gift he bought gave them. After buying Prescilla a he then decided his friends wifes needed some to ride with Cilla. Seeing them having soo much fun, he had to have his own . Then of course his friends had to a each he bought everyone each a truck for the ranch. Even bought the guy who delivered them a truck to . So they all could ride have fun. Elvis knew couldnt go with him when he died. So he spent or gave it away as fast as he made it. That s why E worked non stop until the day he died. He said what s the point in having fame if you cant share it with your friends