W. E. Rock World Extreme Rock Crawling Competition, Bagdad, Arizona 2023 Day 1
We Entered W. E. Rock, The World Extreme Rock Crawling Competition in Bagdad, Arizona 2023 Day1 See how us trail wheelers stack up to the competition rock crawling scene. LIKE this video if you think its ROWDY. SHARE this video if you think someone needs to see it (Highly Recommended) SUBSCRIBE to our Channel to further our reach and keep us going Tickle the NOTIFICATION BELL if you want YouTube to tell you when a new WRECKED GEAR video is up Leave a DIRTY little COMMENT Below. Follow us on InstaGram wreckedgear jessoffroad We re on Facebook, too Desertbilly Bronson Jessica Wilson Please support our Sponsors: BFGoodrich BFG OnTrail App AXEL Offroad Helmets 10 Discount Code: WRECKED21 (All CAPS) KC HiLites Warn Industries Factor 55