DIY Rotary Attachment for my DIY Laser Cutter
Free Cut Files: PARTS LIST: (affiliate links) 1x Nema 17 Stepper Motor 2x 330mm Steel rod, 8mm OD 2x 300mm 2020 tslot aluminum extrusion 4x 608 Skateboard Bearing 22mm OD, 8mm Bore 2x 20 tooth gt2 pulley, 8mm Bore 1x 20 tooth gt2 pulley, 5mm Bore 1x gt2 6mm closed loop timing belt, 180mm long 4x m3 12mm socket head hex drive screws 4x m5 16mm socket head hex drive screws 4x m3 5mm hex drive grub(set) screws Link to GeekSmithing Video: Other Rotary Setup Methods: Use an additional stepper driver and enable the Uaxis on the Ruida 6445g using a firmware update tha