Waiting for BIG ROD BENDS on the Beach: Drone Fishing Bottom Rigs out FAR
This week, I am shark fishing while beach fishing. Its always fun flying out huge baits with my drone to catch some big fish. This week, I am shark fishing with my dad and my friend G. My dad is on the hunt for fishing bait while G and I target the bigger sharks. Have you tried shark fishing Comment below 0:00 Intro 0:23 Getting to our fishing spot 2:59 Setting up 8:00 G comes to fish 9:18 Droning out our bait 10:14 Beach fishing 19:03 SHARK 26:00 Conclusion SUPPORT OUR CHANNEL :) Visit our website: Try out our homemade salted baits: AllInOne Bait Box: Ultimate Starter Kit: Squidy Bits Starter Kit: Shrimpy Bits Starter Kit: Candy Floats are BACK Joi