Locomotive by Big Wreck, play along by Charlie Kenny
My band mate and I have had Big Wreck on LOADS recently on the way to shows. they re definitely the most refreshing musical discovery I ve had in ages. I m amazed they re no bigger than they are Ian thornley is a beast both as a guitarist and a vocalist. his part selection is always interesting and normally more based around the sounds he s gone for more so than the technicality of the part, which I find impressive I would urge everyone to go check them out Gear: Mapex versatus system kit. Mapex black panther 14x5 brass snare Cymbals: Paiste ME 15 hi hats Paiste Traditional 18 thin crash Paiste Traditional 20 light ride Paiste Masters 20 dark crash ride Recording gear: UA apollo 8 Audient 008 class A preamps API 6b lunch box housing: 2x GA 1073 s 2x DAV BG501 DAW: Digital Performer WAVES plug ins