How to QAYG Quilt as you Go Strip Pieced Table Runner
Want to learn the QuiltasyouGo technique It is so easy and the result is beautiful Here s Part 2 of my Crumb, Strippieced Table Runner project. If you haven t seen Part, 1, watch the tutorial video listed below and grab the PDF of applique elements from that video s description box Part One video: PDF of Flower Applique Elements: Sizes of Strips for sashing on Table Runner: Backing Strips: 1. 5 x length (sides); 2. 5 x length (centers) Cover Sashing Strips: 1. 5 x length (sides) 3. 75 x length folded lengthwise creased (centers) Batting strips: 1 x length (sides) and 2 x length (centers) The final strippieced