The END of the USA What You Need To Do For Your FAMILY Right NOW
Powered by Restream We are staring at the END OF THE USA and most people don t realize it yet The plan is on and the steps are already being taken to destroy the USA and most of the world s stability in order to usher in a new world order (ANTICHRIST). But the bigger issue is what you are doing to safeguard the lives of your household and family members In today s teaching (the final before our summer break) we will focus on the essential things every parent should make sure they take care of in order to protect your families and provide for their sustenance when everything else fails. This is a MUST SEE teaching and please share it with others as it may be the last chance for you and they to prepare before the end of our present way of life. This is not a conspiracy theory it is an advisement you all need to take heed to. By doing what we recommend in this program, you will either ensure the life and survivalability of your household or increase your household income by bet