Cannons Sex on Fire ( Kings of Leon Cover)
We chose to cover Sex on Fire because its such a massive tune and never gets old. Weve been listening to it for over 10 years now and its still good, every time Also, its really fun to play. Bad Dream out now: Watch the Fire For You (Official Video) here: Listen to Cannons: Directed by Ryan Rundle Трек Sex on Fire (Live from Cologne, Germany February 2009) Исполнитель Kings Of Leon Авторы текста и музыки Caleb Followill, Jared Followill, Nathan Followill, Matthew Followill Лицензиары SME (от лица компании RCA Records Label ); UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA UBEM, LatinAutorPerf, Warner Chappell, BMG Rights Management (US), LLC, CMRRA, PEDL, LatinAutor PeerMusic, LatinAutor Warner Chappell, Abramus Digital, ARESA и другие авторские общества (21)