Little Wing ( Cover) Stevie Ray Vaughan ( Jimi Hendrix) RUMPUS Family Band, Kids Band
The RUMPUS band is a kids family rock band playing live classic rock music and original songs Written by Jimi Hendrix and covered by Stevie Ray Vaughan, this song is an epic guitar song by an epic guitarist covered by another epic guitarist. Dan s been working hard on getting this massive solo by Stevie Ray Vaughan under his belt and done it justice Crank it up :) We are brothers and sisters from Auckland in New Zealand. We like to learn and perform new songs together and play modern music and classic rock songs. We also write our own original songs too. We like to play live if we can but also enjoying sharing our music online. We practice up in our rumpus room so we called our band RUMPUS which we think is quite fitting We like to learn the new songs and polish them up as much as we can before we decide theyre ready to video and share. Its gives us something to aim for and its also good to have for the future. Ashley on drums and Hannah on the bass are twins and 11