Half Kneeling Adductor Walkouts, Strength Core Training for Cyclists Triatheltes
Cyclists and triathletes spend a lot of hours pedaling and running in a straight while our strength training now tends to include heavier deadlifts, squats, and some upper body moves. Oh yeah, don t forget the glutes While this is a big step int he right direction, one area of the body that s neglected is the inner thigh (adductors). In today s video leading strength coach for cyclists triathletes, Menachem Brodie, shows you a great dynamic stretch and core exercise that will help you keep your adductors (inner thigh s) long, strong, and able to keep your back and knees happy no matter how long or how hard you ride, run, or swim Learn more about strength training for cyclists in coach Brodie s first book The Vortex Method: New Rules for Ultimate Strength Performance in Cycling The Strong Savvy Cyclists Triathlete PODCAST: Looking for