The Mideast War Prophecies Millions of Iranians are Watching
IMPORTANT NOTE SHOW OPENS IN FARSI FOR A MINUTE AND THEN TURNS INTO Hormoz Shariat introduces this video in Farsi and Bill Salus speaks his message in English. This timely video was recorded shortly after the Israel vs Hamas war started. After speaking at the Imminent Return Prophecy Conference, Bill Salus was invited by Hormoz Shariat, of Iran Alive Ministries to join him in his studio to record a message to be aired on the Iranian satellite TV station, SEVEN. It will potentially be seen by millions of Iranians. Iran is the fastestgrowing evangelical population in the world. This video was specifically produced for Bill to share his insights with Iranians on what is happening in the Middle East today. Thanks For Watching Click the bell icon next to the SUBSCRIBE button to get alerts when a new video is uploaded. Visit Website: Read Daily News Reports: Subscribe to Newsletter: prophecydepotm