Lost Without You, , Peter Gwen (+ No Way Home)
Well I know that this video is not the best, I literally did it in 1 hour, yesterday I was watching the first season of Love, Victor again and I heard this song and I think it fits perfectly with Btw this is the last video of Peter and Gwen, until No Way Home comes out in HD, because a few days ago I received my first grades from the college and it s going very well so I think I ll stay a while longer, I think so I will leave when facetoface classes return because there I do think I will not have free time. Instagram: Ship: Gwen Stacy Peter Parker Fandom: The Amazing Spider Man Music:, LostWithoutYou Coloring: Program: Vegas Pro 16. 0, MakeRaimiSpiderMan4, PeterParker, GwenStacy, EduardoAliaga, TheAmazingSpiderMan2, EmmaStone, AndrewGarfield, RoadToNoWayHome, LoveVictor, LovingYouIsALosingGame, spidermannowayhome