Michael W. Ford Satanic Luciferian Ritual: Corona Barathri, Akhtya (Русские Субтитры)
The Throne of Satan and Summum Malum, a joint recording between Akhtya (USA) and Corona Barathri (Russia) which was structured, composed and woven as a Ritualistic Dark Ambient ceremonial recording invoking the Satanic Spirit. Diabolus, the Devil: AntiCosmic destroyer, tester, challenging power, the enemy of the weak and the sheep of monotheistic religion. This split CD invokes the GrecoRoman (New Testament) Spirit of Satan, the God of this World and Prince of the Powers of the Air; Azazel, the Watcher Fallen Angel who gave the gift of forbidden knowledge to humans, also a destructive and changecausing demon of death whose form is partly multiwinged dark angel, black raven, serpent, dragon and goatdemon. The CD is available from Noctivagant Records and is also out in digital format. Samples and conceptual descriptions by Michael W Ford (Akhtya).