Dream High MV Heartbeat
okay so i know i said my unbroken video would be my last DH video, but then i found this one that i made a while back but forgot to upload so YAY more DH lols, that was major sarcasm btw x) hehe well, here s a video about the milky couple i absolutely loved these two cutest couple ever x) hm well yeah, not too long and not too great, especially the ending which i used scenes from the special concert, mainly cause the performance was too cute for me not to x) i know i kinda overdid the beats in some like i said this vid was made a while back and i was too lazy to change them xD hehe i like this video though :D nice way to rap up the milky couple 0 hehe alright im done, this is OFFICIALLY my last DH video of course, collab parts count; DD