Is This Advice from a 12th Century Kabbalist on Marriage Still Relevant Today
Is this advice from a 12thcentury Kabbalist on marriage still relevant today I received the following message from a lady who wished to remain anonymous. This is what she wrote: My neighbor is studying Kabbalah with you. She sent me a quote yesterday. She knows my husband and I are having difficulties, to put it mildly, and wants to help us. So I decided to write to you. The quote is: Therefore, a man shall leave his father and his mother and cleave unto his wife, and they shall become one flesh. That is, she should be for her husband, and her husband should be for her. Therefore it behooves a husband to love his wife as himself, respect her more than himself, be merciful to her, and protect her the same way as he would the organs of his body. And the wife must also respect and love him as her soul, for she came from him. Rabbi Abraham ben David, Baalei Nefesh. I looked up the author on Wikipedia. He was a Jewish sage. He lived in the 12th century. Tell me, is this applicab