Bastille Day in France, 1939 (1939)
GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit The 150th anniversary of Bastille Day is celebrated throughout Paris with a luncheon at the palace, a parade of bombers, and a parade of French and British military along the ChampsElysees Full Description: SLATE INFORMATION: Paris Celebrates National Day FRANCE: Paris: EXT AEROPLANES, French On ground flight with French planes on French National Day FRANCE, Military Military parade including, Tanks, Guns, Armoured Car, Foreign Legion, Troops etc, on French National Day in Paris 14th July 1939 GRENADIER GUARDS In Parade in Paris on French National Day, Paris. HORE BELISHA Dining w. Pres Lebrun on French National Day LA CHAMBRE, Guy, (French Air Minister) Inspects Brit French planes outside Paris on French National Day LEBRUN, President Dining w. Hore Belisha on French Nat. Day MARINES Brit marines parade in Paris on 14th July MILITA