Achyutashtakam, अच य त ष टकम l Achyutam Keshavam, Madhvi Madhukar Jha
Achyutashtakam : Meaning in English I worship Acyuta, the infallible one, Who is Rāmacandra, Keśava, Rāma, Nārāyaṇa, Kṛṣṇa, Dāmodara, Vāsudeva, Hari, Śrīdhara, Mādhava, Who is dear to Gopikā, and Who is the consort of Jānakī. I offer my obeisances to Lord Keśava, Who is infallible (Acyuta), Who is the consort of Satyabhāmā, Mādhava, Śrīdhara, Who is longedfor by Rādhikā, Who is the temple of Lakṣmī (Indirā), Who is beautiful by thought, Who is dear to Devakī, and Who is dear to all. Salutations for Viṣṇu, Who conquers everyone, Who holds a conchshell and a discus, Who is dear to Rukmiṇī, Who is the consort ofJānakī, Who is dear to gopi girls, Who is offered in sacrifices, the Supersoul Who destroyed Kaṁsa, and Who plays the flute. O Kṛṣṇa O Govinda O Rāma