VFX Bang Review: 3 D Muzzle Flash Plugin for After Effects
Special thanks to our sponsors Squarespace. For a free trial and 10 off, visit and use the promo code: DOJO VFX Bang Plugin: ActionVFX: In this mini review, we ll take a look at the new VFX Bang plugin as part of the VFX suite by Red Giant. We ll take a look at some of the basic features, what advantages and disadvantages it has, and how it compares to using traditional 2D stock footage elements to composite muzzle flashes. Special thanks to ActionVFX for providing the footage for this video. Check out their products, they have awesome stock elements for all your action projects. This video was NOT sponsored by Red Giant, Maxon or ActionVFX. As always, all opinions are 100 my own. Creative Dojo Store: Best Plugins for Motion Design VFX: Best After Effects Templates: vid