Buck69 No Medicine Like the Blues
Album: No Medicine Like the Blues, Lyrics: Youve got to let loose of the sadness Youve got to let loose of the sadness Dont let it weigh you down How will you find your bright tomorrow If youre the darkest cloud in town Youve got to smile through the tears Youve got to smile through the tears Thats the reason for the blues Just let the music do the crying Aint no medicine like the blues Youve got to reach for that helping hand Youve got to reach out for that helping hand When your heart aches for relief Theres a song out there waiting To sooth your pain and grief Youve got to let loose of the sadness Youve got to let loose of the sadness Its the best thing to do Just let the music ease your sorrows Aint no medicine like the blues Keyboards: B J Love Lead Guitar: John Sevilla Drums: David Alan Vocals: Tom Clawson Recorded by BUCK69 Available at Amazon, Spotify, ITunes