Turning Red: Director Domee Shi Producer Lindsey Collins on Pixar During the Pandemic
When it comes to stories about growing up and comingofage, Turning Red hits the nail on the head with an adorable and heartwarming story about a 13yearold named Meilin Mei Lee (Rosalie Chiang). Puberty is already a difficult time in life, but what if when you were consumed by hormones and emotions you spontaneously turned into a giant red panda Blessed, cursed with this ability, Turning Red follows Mei as she discovers her new powers and learns to embrace them. Turning Red captures the nuance of a motherdaughter relationship, one that is rooted in love but also connection, overprotectiveness, and cultural norms. It s hard enough having to deal with this newfound ability, but Mei must also confront her mother Ming (Sandra Oh) as a young adult now growing into her own person. turningredfriends We had a chance to speak with the director, cowriter, and Oscarwinner Domee Shi and Pixar producer Lindsey Collins about the film. Like her previous awardwinning short Bao, Turning