Hindu Dancers (1929)
L, S male dancer stands in front of a stage backdrop. He dances in an eastern fashion lots of hand movements and putting together of the hands in a praying motion. He kneels on the ground and bows down as if praying and stretches and contorts his body. May be some sort of traditional Hindu dancing. The man is bare chested and wears a piece of draped fabric around his lower body and a turban style head dress. Very static camera. Stylised movements. (The following appears to be a second reel spliced on to the first. ) Closer view of the dancer (knees and above. ) He continues his dance, standing on one leg and moving his hands. As the camera is static, the dancer often moves out of shot. Dancer in silhouette slowly stands up and begins to dance a woman this time, quite sexy movements, bending to either side and swaying her arms around. Stylised hand and arm movements She then kneels down and dances from this position, eventually standing up again. Note: second reel at least is unedi